The Impressive City Skyline of Hong Kong, the World’s Most Skyscrapers

Hong Kong – Hong Kong could mean a city as well as an island. It is not an independent country but an autonomous region belongs to China. Hong Kong is renowned for its number of skyscrapers which is greater than that of New York.
Indonesian passport holders can visit Hong Kong without any visa as long as they stay no longer than 30 days. Indonesians can go to Hong Kong either by airplane or ship. Or they can just get out of Airport or Harbors while waiting for another flight to reach another destination.
There are so many tourists who arrive in Hong Kong to stay for only a single or couple of days. That kind of tourists are usually passengers of cruise ships. Passengers of cruise ships can travel to many different cities or even countries for only within days.
Cruise ships usually stay longer on a turnaround day at ports of metropolitan cities such as Hong Kong, Dubai, Tokyo, New York, etc. Both passengers and sailors can explore those metropolitan cities as much as they want since those places have much to offer.
There are 9 ports in Hong Kong, but only 2 that cruise ships use to dock. Those cruise terminals are Ocean Terminal and Kai Tak Terminal. Right from the terminal, we can see Hong Kong skyline that is arranged neatly by impressive skyscrapers, some of which are ones of the tallest in the world.
The most prominent and tallest towers are International Commerce Centre and Two International Finance Centre with the heights of 484 m and 416 m respectively. Nobody wants to miss out on this opportunity to capture the moment. Since the ships stay longer, sailors and passengers capture moments at different times as people commonly think how Kong looks more beautiful at night as the skyscrapers provide light attractions.
“I couldn’t believe that I can be in the city with the most skyscrapers in the world. Hong Kong skyline looked impressive from the crew messroom when I had breakfast and it now looks much better looking at it from the pier without any barrier,” Ryan Satria Yudha said.
Editor: Irene Indah